Services and Pricing

August 11th, 2011
by admin
I offer a wide variety of services to support your home technology and business needs. Whether it’s backing up data, setting up a new computer, a wireless network, wirelessly sharing a printer, protecting your computer from data damaging spyware and viruses or learning how best to use your computer; the Park City computer guy wants to help you.I can help you with your PC or Mac computer.

Value Added Services

I bring the following Valued Added Services to all my customers:

  • My rates start when I arrive at your residence – not before.
  • No after-hours charge – even on weekends.
  • My passion to resolve your issues and answer your questions.


Data Backup

I recommend backing up your data to protect from loss before work is done on any computer system. Upon your request, I will copy your data to an external storage device while I work on your computer. If you don’t already have a back-up plan please, ask me on some possible options. You must have a back-up plan..

New Computer Setup

  • Setup computer system
  • Install any available software updates
  • Optimize your computer for peak performance
  • Connect and configure two accessories (cameras, external drives, printer, scanner, etc)
  • Install two software titles (productivity, anti-virus, anti-spyware software, etc)
  • Verify internet functionality

Note: A internet connection may be needed to perform these services

Wi-fi / Wired Network Setup

  • Configure wired/wireless router
  • Secure network from unwanted access
  • Add two new devices to network (computer, print server, storage device, etc)

Each additional network device – $20
Add a new computer/device to an existing network – $40

Note: A high speed internet connection may be needed to perform these services.

Virus removal mild

This is for systems that are having possible minor viruses and minimal problems with pop-ups.  Viruses and spyware will be removed and then a system optimization will be performed to correct any damage caused by the spyware and viruses. I will also explain how to prevent future problems with these issues.

Virus servere

Severe virus and spyware problems take longer to solve and require more time. Every effort will be made to remove the spyware and viruses from your computer while leaving your operating system functional. Sometimes, damage sustained by spyware and viruses may render the operating system unstable or unusable. A complete reinstallation of your operating system may be necessary. I will also explain how to prevent future problems with these issues.



Hardware Upgrade

  • Is your computer running slow lately?
  • Do you not have much free space on your hard drive?
  • Is your video card not handling your newer games well?
  • Do you want to burn DVD’s or CD’s?
  • Would an external hard drive help you with back-ups?

No need to buy a brand new computer when well thought out upgrades will do the trick.

First hardware upgrade – $40
Each additional upgrade – $25

Operating System Installation

Re-installing your operating system is a great way to start fresh and possibly reclaim some lost speed. After I install your operating system I will install two software titles of your choice (anti-virus recommended), perform software updates and configure your system for optimal performance. Each additional software title installation is $25.

Note: A high speed internet connection may be necessary to perform these services.

Tutoring or Training

Are you frustrated using your computer or iPod, need help learning new software or questions on Windows Vista or Max OS X? I would have fun helping you. Please call me anytime at 435-640-3396 and I will get you more productive quickly.

I can even help you find the best price for any of your technology needs. Please give me a call and find out how.

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