Core Values

August 11th, 2011
by admin

Listen and be responsive to customer needs

Anticipate customer needs and recommend solutions as new products are
developed or the business environment changes

Cost effective – recommend and implement the “right” solution, not the priciest or state-of-the-art (unless needed)

Integrity - follow through on commitments and communicate progress on a regular basis

Trustworthy – protect the customer’s proprietary information; be trusted with
the “keys to the kingdom”

Honesty – tell the customer upfront how much the service will cost. No hidden
charges and no surprises.

I realize that communicating with a customer is more important than just fixing a computer. You will likely know the cost of my service before you even contact me, since most of my services are flat rate pricing. This means that if I get stumped and can’t figure something out, it comes out of my pocket, not yours.

I am happy to take your phone calls 24/7 – seven days a week.

John Concannon
Park City Computer Guy

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